Interview With Jonathan Eaves; Fantasy Writer

I am a girl who enjoys reading chick-lit, teen trash and self help books, so when I was asked to read ‘Rude Awakenings: A Tale of Terra Infirma’, then interview the author, I thought 'Oh Dear, I cannot read a book about angry trolls, mythical lands and fellowships searching for freedom… (I enjoy watching sci-fi movies, but reading is different, I would actually have to engage with it.)'
But to my surprise, as soon as I opened the book, I got a little obsessed; I couldn't put it down.
So, here is the interview with the comic/ fantasy writer, Jonathan Eaves, discussing his first published book.

How did you come up with the character ‘Anyx’?
(A drunken dwarf who finds out he is a prophecy)
J.E : Back when I was in high school, there was a group who got together to play ‘Dungeons and Dragons’, so I created an absurd character named ‘Anyx’ who was a bit off-the-chart. The teacher who led the group ended up kicking me out.

Do you find that you relate to the main character ‘Anyx’ more than other ones?
J.E :Over the last 20 or so years, I have realized that ‘Anyx’ has become more a part of me and there are aspects of his personality that reflect mine.

Are any other characters based on people you know?

J.E :Loosely. The character of ‘Mr. Pants’ (a serious concierge) is based on a man I used to work with. But don’t tell him.

How would you sum up the storyline?

J.E :It is just nonsense really. I am a writer of silly and I found that when I tried to get the book published there was a small gap in the market for someone like me. And, luckily I found a small publishing house that supported my story.

I noticed a few references to other famous fantasy stories; did you find yourself inspired by top-of-the-range movies and novels?
J.E :My book sort of plays on other storylines that people are aware of. I have used well-known ideas such as the ‘Balrog’ from the ‘Lord of the Rings’ series. Also, nearing the end, the story takes a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ twist. I think this helped keep the novel light-hearted and really appeal to my readers.

What do you do in your spare time?
J.E :Actually, writing the book is my spare time. I have another job with my wife that runs most of the year, so I slot the book in with that.

Do you have a lot of support from friends, family and publishers?
J.E :My wife is fantastic, along with all my friends who really believed in my work. Although on the back of the novel, my wife said, ‘Now you have finished the book, please get some real work done!’ This is just a bit of a personal joke between us.

How do you organize your time when writing a book?
J.E :I sit myself down every morning and say, ‘You’re not allowed to do anything else until 1500 words have been written!’ You find that sometimes you won’t even use the words you wrote the day before; it’s all about keeping yourself motivated.

Is there anything you would like to change?

J.E :Of course, I read though the book and still find some ‘typos’, which irritate me but if the book didn’t go into production when it did, I would probably still be trying to edit it.

My view.

I have put this interview on to this blog because although this is fashion based, this book is a real release, it is different to the predictable storylines of chick-lit novels. I would advise taking a risk and giving this book a go.
The story was great, Jonathan has a real talent for creating reader and characters relationships.
I enjoyed the book enormously and cannot wait for the sequel, he was such a pleasure to interview.

Love K

p.s. Go on his website, I'm on his homepage ;)