
Hey Bon Bons,
Recently I have made a few changes to my life. If you follow BVC regularly, you will know I change my hair colour more than most, so obviously one of the changes is my hair.
In the past month it has changed daily: blue, grey, pink, purple, yellow, orange, peach... even all of them at the same time.

Again, If you follow BVC, you will also know that I looooove piercing, so I decided to get my nose done again and also my smiley which I havent had before- and I like it alot.

I have also decided to take up skating this summer, obviously because miley looks so hot skating and pretty much everyone I know is a skater.

I have finally started an internship with Oh My Love London, a supercool east london clothing brand. I am having the best time taking street style photos, organising party guestlists and writing blog posts.

These are all photos from my instagram which I got a couple of weeks ago, so follow me and I will follow you back, @Renmccann

Have you guys got up to anything new recently?