This is the finished product.
What you need is:
dirt cheap individual extensions, any colour- mine were ice blonde from poundland: good because they had clips already.
feathers from a craft shop.. mine wasnt cheap unfortunatly, cost me a fiver for 5 feathers.
some beads and leather: luckily primark had these (below) for a quid each, so they were already made.
a needle and thread
All you do is get the extension, sew on the feathers, beads and leather strips.
Don't make it too neat because it looks better messy!
I got to say, it is alot cheaper than buying online... since this trend is fairly new, the strands can be costly: £3 for one tiny, thin, not expensive looking strand on ebay. bad times.
I am going to wear mine to the two James Morrison concerts I have in Norwich and Cambridge this week. CANNOT WAIT!