Photography is a highly popular subject at the moment. With so many people picking up an SLR and thinking they are a professional, it's hard to sift through the rubbish to find real talent. So BVC has done 1 job for you! Meet Lauren, an 18 year old student from the northwest.
Hey Lauren! It's coming up to the end of your photography course at college now, what's next for you?
Hey! I’d love to do photography at university! I think I would really enjoy it, but my options are always open so I guess I'm just focusing on here and now at the moment.
What is your favorite area of photography?
I love everything about photography and all aspects of it. So I love to do a bit of everything now and again. Whenever I have a thought in my head I try and think ‘How can i put this into a photo?’, then usually my imagination takes over and I'm off with my camera somewhere!
What challenges do you feel young photographers face getting their work out there?
They face many challenges. It is all about getting noticed, getting people to just even glance at your work and then receiving comments and feedback. Competition is the main thing. Just by looking on the website, Flickr you’ll see how many photographers there are. You’re a needle in a haystack on Flickr. You have to do something that makes you stand out.
What advice would you give to young photographers like yourself?
Keep going and never give up. How is giving up going to get you anywhere? If you display your work on Flickr, always think to yourself: ‘Is this image better than the one before?’, if it isn’t then don’t upload it. By doing this it will help you progress and develop. Some photographers say the 365 day project will really help you but everyone is different, just do what you want to do.
What inspires your work?
Lyrics always inspire me. I listen to a lot of music, all of different genres. Listen to your favourite song and then pick out your favourite line from it, then make a photograph out of it! :D. Simple, everyday things inspire me too. If I'm feeling down I try and portray it in my images. The inspiration is endless.
Where do you see yourself and your work in 10 years time?
I have always wanted to live in America! My boyfriend does photography too, so it would be a dream come true to run a photography studio with him! That dream is probably out of reach but I guess we all have hope! My work will have definitely improved! It will be nice to be at Rosie Hardy’s level, her photography is amazing.
Lauren's work is moving from strength to strength and it's inspiring to see her talent progress. If you would like to follow Lauren on her journey you can find daily updates here and if you want to find more of her amazing photography and leave feedback, you can find her online portfolio here.
Love J.